Hormones cause acne

« ...When most people think that acne is just a physical problem, it is but you should also know that it is also an emotional burden. There are a lot of emotional impacts that could be caused by having acne. On of the top most effect is having low self-esteem. As you live in a superficial world like ours, you would really feel insecure whenever you feel like having those eyes staring at your face. People with acne are so timid for they may just be tagged as "ugly" by others. There is a need for you to take care of your skin and face. ...
...So the big question is if your diet and what you consume can have an impact on your acne. The answer to this question is definitely! Even though many modern doctors will refute this saying that acne is caused by sebaceous glands and stuff like that it does cause acne! What causes those things that the doctors say causes the acne? That's like saying that tires cause skid marks. They do but what causes the tires to cause the skid marks?...»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...Acne is problematic. Even when you have treated it successfully, it still leaves some ugly marks and scars on your face. I hate acne scars and I know you hate them too. There are a number of ways you can easily lighten your acne scars. If you have deep scars, however, I am sorry to say you have little chance to completely remove them. But based on my experience, no matter how serious the marks are, it is possible to lighten it to the extent that you still look good....»
Full Text: acne-types.blogspot.com

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